Baptism makes us sharers in the life of God and members of the Church, the Body of Christ. We celebrate the baptism of infants in groups with other families several times during the year. The Church's sacraments are actions of the whole Church, which necessarily take place in a local community, that is, in a parish.
Baptismal Preparation Classes are offered in English and Spanish once a month. Please call the parish office for more information and to register.
Newly baptized little one, clothed in white garment (symbol of being clothed in Christ, reaches for the lighted candle (symbol of light of faith). Newly baptized little one trying to get Daddy's attention.
If you are a registered member of St. Joseph Parish, and one who is sincere and active in the practice of our faith, you are eligible to have your infant or your young child baptized here.
If you are not yet registered and you want your infant or young child baptized into Christ, please make known your intention to be an active participant of St. Joseph's by registering as a parish member. Take a few months to accustom yourself to our parish and find your place here. Then call the parish office to request an infant baptism and you will be connected to the appropriate staff person.
Meetings for parents and godparents of infants and young children are the specific preparation in our parish. We accept what their parishes offer in regard to preparation for godparents who live outside our parish.
Parents from other parishes who wish to have their infants or young children baptized at St. Joseph's are welcome to do so after they have completed the preparation requirements in their home parish and we receive a letter from their pastor giving permission for the baptism to be celebrated here.
1. Set the date | Call the office to set the date |
1.Baptismal Class | JOHN RYDER |
1st Monday each month | |
6:00 PM | |
Virtual | |
Parents and Godparents | |
Registration Required, call to the office | |
2.Forms | |
269-343-6256 | | | |
At the office M-F 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | |
3.Child Birth Certificate | Copy |
4.God Parents | Must be catholic |
Baptism, Communion and Confirmation | |
Singled or Married By laws Catholic Church |
English Baptismal Preparation Class happens every first Monday of the month at 6 PM virtually. Please call the office ( 269-343- 6256 ) or contact us to give us your email address to send you a link and to register. Thank you.
The process leading to baptism for adults and children old enough to be instructed follows that of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This is the norm for the entire Catholic Church and is the restoration of the way people in the early Church were prepared for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist (Holy Communion).
See Becoming Catholic if you are interested in baptism as an adult, for an older child or if you are already baptized and wish to become Catholic. Contact the St. Joseph Church office and they will arrange for you to receive a follow-up call from the RCIA program leader.