Dedicated to the Living Stones who have gone before us and helped us to become who we are today. We are the Living Stones for those who will come after us. “You too are living stones, built as an edifice of spirit, into a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”
I Peter 2:5.
This is a beginning document of our parish family story. Hopefully, more and more memories will be added as time goes on. Like most family stories, various members remember different details of specific events and place different degrees of importance on them. Do you have memories, artifacts, or pictures to share?
Please contact
Parish Office
1828 to 1904
The Settlement of Kalamazoo until the Establishment of St. Joseph Mission
1904 to 1920
St. Joseph Mission until the Transfer of Father Frank McQueen, pastor
1920 to 1947
Father Richard Grace, pastor
1947 to 1962
Father Joseph Rochford, pastor
1962 to 1969
Father George Higgins, pastor (1962 - 1966)
Father John Hayes, pastor (1966 - 1969)
1969 to 1980
Father William Fitzgerald, pastor